Preparation & aftercare


Preparation, both for the client and the tattoo artist, is key to ensure a great result. Creating beautiful tattoos is concerned about the aesthetic, i.e. how the tattoo looks, and the health of the client and the artist, that is, how and under which circumstances the tattoo is made. Fortunately, these two crucial elements go hand in hand. A beautiful looking tattoo created under bad circumstances, can lead to a bad healing result, looking nothing like it did on the day it was made. This is why we take your and our preparation and aftercare so serious. Please follow our guidance to ensure a long lasting beautiful result, and a more pleasing tattoo experience for you and us, when we are pricking several needles in your skin, from everything between 50 and 3,000 times per minute.

Fluid Level

Make sure your fluid balance is in place - i.e. drink at least 2 liters of water daily in the days leading up to your appointment. A high level of fluid helps your body hydrate and makes the body more susceptible to ink. We strongly advise you to refrain from alcohol in the days up to your appointment. It is not fun for you or us if you are going to be tattooed with hangovers and diluted blood.


Make sure to get a good night sleep the day before your appointment. A well rested mind and body is essential for holding up the time under the needle, which is a hard task for your body. Both the healing process and the pain level doing the tattoo process is highly improved if you take your sleep serious.

Energy & snacks

Make sure to eat well and healthy in the days leading up to your appointment so that your vital energy deposits are as high as possible. Eating fruits and vegetable with a high level of Vitamin-C, i.e. citrus fruit and potatoes, helps the immune system withstand the trauma of getting a tattoo and helps your body in the healing process afterwards. We recommend bringing snacks, food and beverages with a high content of carbohydrates and sugar, to maintain a high and stable blood sugar level during the tattoo process.

High hygiene standards

A high hygiene level is essential for a great result. Please show up to your appointment freshly showered and in clean clothes. Hygiene is a serious matter and crucial for your and our safety. You can help us maintain the highest hygiene standards if you are as clean as possible. and leave your dirty work clothes at home. Everyone wears bacteria on the skin and in their clothes, and therefore both freshly washed clothes and clean bodies are preferred to avoid infections and cross contamination.


For larger projects it may be a good idea to bring a little entertainment material to distract your mind from the needle on the skin. You are always welcome to bring your smartphone or tablet, so you can listen to music, watch a movie or bring a book etc. Of course you can always let us entertain you and have a chat with the artist or shop manager.


Ones your tattoo is done the artist or our shop manager will give you a ​thorough guidance how the take care of your tattoo in the future. The aftercare is really important, we can not stress enough how serious we are about your health and the final result of the tattoo, that is why we take great interest in giving you the best information as possible about how to treat you fresh tattoo. Remember, a fresh tattoo is a wound, that we just want to turn out really pretty, and therefore you should treat it as such. Below is our guide to ensure a smooth and secure healing process.

General precautions

An average healing process is between 2 and 4 weeks, depending on the specific tattoo and the individual clients health, body and skin type. In this period you must:

  •  Avoid sun, solarium, perfume, long baths, salt and chlorine water until the tattoo is healed.
  • Never wipe or peel off the scab the tattoo.

PT. 1 - The two wrapping methods

We use two different healing methods that vary according to the way we wrap up the tattoo and for for how long it must be attached to your skin. The specific healing process for you depends on how your skin reacts to the tattoo, ie. redness in the skin, how swollen it is, general irritation etc. We always choose the best healing process for your specific needs. 1. is the use of Kliniderm and 2. is the use of cling foil. Please take your time to read the guidance for your specific healing method.
OBS: please inform us if you have any plastic allergies or known allergies towards cling foil or the like.

1. Kliniderm

Kliniderm is a sterile, skin-friendly thin film that protects against external bacteria, and thus
inflammation of the tattoo, in the first few days after the tattoo is made. Kliniderm keeps the skin moisturized and provides the best conditions for a successful healing, without the formation of a wound scab. Kliniderm can be used in a regular shower, however this should be avoided the first day after the film is applied, as the film might detach the skin. The film does not tolerate swimming pool or sea bath. Avoid unnecessary touch of the film.
Any tattoo should be treated as an open wound. Therefore, always consider your hygiene in the healing process.

The process:
Leave the film on for 5 days and do not remove it before time, unless some of the tattooed area is exposed, if you are experiencing severe redness, strong burning like pain or itching, yellow matter is coming from the tattoo, there is a leak or exceptional liquid pockets under the film. Should any of the above occur, the film should most likely be removed and possibly replaced with a new one. Please get in touch with us for the best guidance.

We always recommend that you come in, in person regarding supervision or advice about your healing process.

What to expect when using Kliniderm:
On the first day your tattoo will be possible to enjoy through the film. On the second day, and going forward, the tattoo will look blurred, but don’t worry it’s just blood and ink residues, the tattoo still looks sharp underneath.

How to remove Kliniderm:
When removing the film, grab one corner and SLOWLY peel/pull it from the skin. Pull the film straight out from the body - do not pull along the body. This way, the glue will easily loosen. Gently rinse the tattoo with clean lukewarm water and if possible let the tattoo air dry after you have rinsed it for the first time. If this is not an option, use a clean towel or paper and carefully pat the tattoo until dry.


2. Cling foil

The cling foil method is a classic tattoo healing process, and allows you skin to breath more. The first two days are the crucial ones, and are described in the following.

The process:
With clean hands, remove the cling foil when you get home, but no less than 5 hours after the tattoo is made. Gently rinse the tattoo under lukewarm water to dissolve any blood and ink residues. A gently but thorough cleansing gives the body the best possible conditions to form a nice and natural wound scab. If possible let the tattoo air dry after you have rinsed it for the first time. If this is not an option, use a clean towel or paper and carefully pat the tattoo until dry.
As long as you are in your own home, and own bacterial habitat, you can let the tattoo heal without covering it up. Do make sure nothing touches the tattoo. If you are leaving your home, we advise you to wrap up your tattoo in clean cling foil. It is also a great idea to wrap up your tattoo when going to bed, to avoid any body liquids in your bed or bacteria from your bed going in your tattoo. Rinse the tattoo with lukewarm water 2-3 times a day. This only applies for the first 2 days.

PT. 2 - Cleansing and lubrication

After the wrapping process, you must follow these simple steps for the next 2 - 3 weeks:

  1. Cleanse your tattoo with lukewarm water and let it air dry or pat he tattoo dry with a paper or a clean towel.
  2. Lubricate the tattoo with a thin layer of our advised ointment. Be careful not to lubricate too much, as too much ointment might "eat/dissolve" the ink in your tattoo.

This preparation and aftercare guide ensures the best possible result for your tattoo after your healing process.

If you follow our guidance you also have a 6 month warranty, which means we do a free of charge retouch of our work within the first 6 months, if needed.

If you have questions about your tattoo, please do not hesitate to contact us.